Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hynes 58th Flavor: Screaming Nutcase

This is a link to the website for Hynes Communication. Here's a quote from company president Patrick Hynes:

Here's one from co-founder, Paul Young:

Patrick Hynes wants us to know that he's a big deal in the GOP:

Patrick is also a well-known political operative. He currently operates as an advisor to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.  He also served on many national campaigns including former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s Freedom First PAC and Senator John McCain’s 2008 campaign for president. Patrick’s other clients include Fortune 500 firms and many of the largest industry associations in Washington, D.C.

All this sounds mighty impressive, doesn't it? If only Pat Hynes didn't lead a double life on Twitter.
Mr My Clients come from Fortune 500 companies seems to have a lot of time on his hands.

More time than he can fill with his vanity publication, NH Journal:

NH Journal is an online news publication that covers a variety of news through a blend of aggregation, original reporting, wire feeds, user generated content and social media aggregation. We cover national, state and local news, from sports to politics to entertainment and everything in between.

In other words - they make it up. Most of their stories are written by "Staff Reporter." He's a busy guy. 

To fill his time, Pat creates fake twitter accounts attempting to mock some NH Democrats:

Kathy Sullivan was the NH Democratic Party chair for a number of years. One of  Fake Kathy's followers is

Silly Goose Ray B - another fake twitter account. One of Silly Goose's followers:

Mr. Big Ego wasn't smart enough to leave himself out of the whole mix. Earlier this year he had a "Beclowned Ray" twitter account. The giveaway was that he was using the word "beclowned" in many of his tweets, AND "Beclowned Ray" "followed" Pat J Hynes. 

I sure do hope Pat isn't sitting by the phone waiting for Mensa to call. 

Pat likes to tweet out nonsense at a variety of people. I'm sometimes one of them. I wont be bullied by Mr. Advisor to Pawlenty, and it's very upsetting to him. Like any pusher of propaganda, any deviation from his talking points is very upsetting - and it's also obvious that he's not exactly a great intellect.

Today, Pat's Fortune 500 clients must all have the day off. Rand Paul hasn't signed him on as an advisor for his presidential run. No one has. Poor Pat had a LOT of time on his hands today.

His first tweet at me:

My response:

It was right at this point that Mr. Important GOP Guy came unglued:

That was the only time I ever referenced families. I never said a word about his.

  Handy, because I didn't ever apologize to him. I never said anything about his family. He's raving.

That last one is my favorite. Works without fingerprints? Yeah, we saw proof of that with the fake twitter accounts. Slick as all get out. 

Now, here's my question - seriously - who hires this guy? Who would work with him or for him? Why would anyone want to be professionally affiliated with this shrieking twit? 

Do his Fortune 500 clients follow him on Twitter? 

He purports to be an expert in using social media - does he use his own Twitter account as an example for perspective clients?? Is this how they achieve such a high retention rate? 

Finally - why would anyone take this clown seriously? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, the hatred and perverse language used by these people is unbelievable. What a dreadful parent he must be lacking in morality certainly evident by the language he uses. As to the "fingerprint"? He must be delusional. Doesn't he know our every breath is tracked each time we use the computer or any other electronic device? It leaves a photograph which is much better than any fingerprint which is now obsolete as far as technology goes.